Daily LIFT #367
Emblem of the 12th World Festival of Youth and Students, Moscow 1985 -- Daily LIFT #367 "After an impressive competition the official...
Daily LIFT #367
Daily LIFT #363
Marina Raskova, Hero of the Soviet Union & Bomber Commander.
Daily LIFT #361
Daily LIFT #360
Leningrad in winter, 1978
Nadezhda Popova, b. December 27, 1921
Daily LIFT#354
Daily LIFT #351
Daily LIFT #350
Daily LIFT #346
The state of the Soviet Union, December 1982
Summer, 1959-1960, Arkady Plastov (1893-1972) USSR
Daily LIFT #345
Shuliavka Workers' Republic Proclaimed, Kiev December 11, 1905
Daily LIFT# 340
Soviet Life Russian Cuisine 1968 -- Vintage Cookbook TBT
The art of Yuri Raksha, b. December 2, 1937
"You can't hang us all. They will avenge me."
Daily LIFT #334