Excerpt from the South African Communist Party, (SACP) 2024 year-end statement.
In solidarity with Cuba, Swaziland, the Saharawi people, Sudan, Mozambique, Namibia, Botswana, the Sahel Region, Venezuela, Nicaragua, Bolivia, Yemen and Palestine. In support of the rise of the multipolar movement, the rise of China and the Russian anti-imperialist front.
Anti-imperialism and international solidarity
The SACP reiterates its revolutionary solidarity with the people of Cuba against aggression and the illegal, criminal blockade, and the occupation of Guantanamo Bay, by the imperialist regime of the United States.
The SACP reaffirms its unwavering solidarity with the people of Swaziland struggling for democracy, with the people of Western Sahara against occupation by Morocco, and with the people of Sudan for an end to war.
The situation in Swaziland has forced many into exile. South Africa is host to their majority. The autocratic regime in Swaziland has targeted activists for democracy and transition to socialist transformation and development, violating their human rights and imprisoning and murdering others. We denounce this injustice in the strongest terms possible.
The hardships endured by the Saharawi people as a result of Morocco’s occupation of their land, which we unreservedly denounce, are untold. In this regard, the SACP also condemns the obstructive role of the imperialist France and Spain and their support for Morocco. The imperialist forces are hellbent on legitimising and extending administrative control of Western Sahara and handing it firmly over to Morocco. This is done in the interest of, among others, full-fledged capture and exploitation of the natural resources of the Saharawi people and the political economy of their entire land.
The war in Sudan has had and continues to have a severely negative impact on livelihoods, engendering social chaos, mostly, but not only, affecting women and children, and displacing many. This war must end now!
The SACP takes this opportunity to reiterate its solidarity with FRELIMO as a liberation movement historically. Once again, we congratulate FRELIMO on winning the recent Mozambican elections, and as further confirmed by the highest court of the land based on evidence on the standards of free and fair elections. In this context, we condemn post-election violence by those seeking destabilisation, who are often supported by imperialist forces by overt or covert means.
In the same vein, once again, we congratulate SWAPO on winning the recent Namibian elections and its resolve to advance fundamental transformation and development.
This year saw the Umbrella for Democratic Change, inclusive of the Botswana National Front, winning the recent Botswana elections. This shift towards the left in Botswana is a welcome development. Once again, the SACP welcomes it and congratulates the victorious movement after years of democratic struggle. We commend the government led by the newly elected President Duma Boko for the progressive measures announced to tackle poverty in the diamond-rich country.
The SACP pledges its solidarity with the people of the Sahel Region for their path towards full independence from France as the colonial, neo-colonial and imperialist dominating power in their countries. This shift should be seen as part of the Second Phase of the African Revolution and must be deepened to uproot colonial, neo-colonial and imperialist domination and exploitation.
We reiterate our solidarity with the people of Venezuela, Nicaragua, Bolivia and others in South America against the United States-led imperialist domination and aggression. The SACP supports the inauguration of the democratically elected President Nicolás Maduro on 10 January 2025, against the push by the imperialist regimes of the United States and Europe to undermine Venezuela’s democratic processes and manufacture destabilisation and a coup in the country.
Our solidarity with the people of Palestine stands firm against the occupation and genocide by the apartheid Israeli settler regime. In the same vein, we reiterate our solidarity with the entire axis of resistance in the Middle East against attacks by the apartheid Israeli settler regime and its imperialist backers, such as the United States. The heroic role of the standing forces of Iran in the critical battle for the independence of the Middle East is crucial within the axis of resistance.
The SACP strongly denounces the ongoing attacks on Yemen by the apartheid Israeli settler regime and its imperialist backer, the United States. We pledge our solidarity with the people of Yemen against the attacks and with the people of Syria and Lebanon opposed to terrorists, foreign aggression and occupation by the apartheid Israeli settler regime and its imperialist backer, the United States.
The world working class as a revolutionary movement and other progressive forces should strengthen efforts to support the rising multipolar movement to succeed towards a just and peaceful world order, in which imperialist exploitation and domination are a thing of the past. To this end, the rise of China from the development advances and independence it has both realised and is able to exercise are a welcome and epoch-marking shift in global affairs.
The Russian anti-imperialist front in the war provoked by the collective imperialist West in Ukraine is another crucial factor in multipolarity developments. It was in pursuit of totalitarian control of the world, natural resources in all global regions and the entire global economy, and military domination, that the imperialist collective West provoked the war in Ukraine. Led by the United States, the imperialist collective West supported a coup in Ukraine, expanding eastwards, using Ukraine, with Russia as an immediate and China as the ultimate target. Russia’s response underlined its capability to stand out against the imperialist bullies.