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Writer's pictureMichael Laxer

Being like Che: Inspiration for the new generations

By Marlen Carrasco, Communist Party of Cuba, translated from the Spanish

Today, the world faces complex challenges: social inequality, climate crisis, economic and political injustices that favor the few over the majority. In this context, courageous leadership, a clear vision and an unwavering commitment to justice are needed. This is where the legacy of Ernesto "Che" Guevara becomes relevant, as an historical figure and as a symbol of struggle and resistance.

We will be like Che is a phrase that inspires courage, ignites the revolutionary spirit and awakens consciousness.

The Heroic Guerrilla taught us that social transformation is not an utopia, but a possible reality if we are willing to fight for it. His life was marked by a deep sense of responsibility towards the oppressed and a firm conviction that freedom and dignity are universal rights. Acting in favor of a more just future also defines his legacy.

In these times, being like him means adopting his fighting spirit and his ability to mobilize the masses. It means understanding that each of us has a role to play in building a more equitable society.

Today, when it is more necessary to fight for our common causes, we should not fear sacrifice. Guevara also taught us that. The importance of education and critical awareness, to discern between good and bad actions, between truth and manipulation.

He left his indelible mark on the culture of Latin America and other places. He wrote several books, one of the most famous, Socialism and Man in Cuba, reflects his demand for a classless society.

Commander Guevara is an inspiration for the new generations. Let us honor his legacy by being brave and supportive. Being like Che is more than a phrase, it is an eternal commitment, an oath not to give up in the face of adversity. In our daily work, there is the possibility of writing our own history, one where the optimism and intrepidness of the man with the lone star prevails.

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