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  • Writer's pictureMichael Laxer

BRICS forum condemns Cuba blockade

The Forum of Political Parties of BRICS and Associates, which met from June 17 to 19 in Vladivostok, Russia, condemned the application of unilateral coercive measures in its Final Declaration.

In paragraph 15 of this document, the political parties of the BRICS and associates "rejected the use of illegal unilateral coercive measures (sanctions), which bypass the UN Charter."

This Forum was held at the initiative of the United Russia party, and was attended by 22 government political parties from the member and associated countries of the BRICS, including the Communist Party of Cuba.

This meeting is being held for the third time. The first took place in China in 2017 and the second in South Africa last year. Its objective is to agree on positions among the political forces of the associated governments on the main issues of the international agenda.

At the session of the Standing Committee of the Forum "For the Freedom of Nations", also held in this Far East Russian city in the context of the interparty Forum of the BRICS and partners, was adopted an important Declaration. The text of it demands the exclusion of Cuba from the unilateral US list of states alleged to sponsor terrorism and firmly condemns the economic blockade -- commercial and financial -- that the US has imposed on the island for more than 60 years.

The "Forum for the Freedom of Nations" is a space where representatives of more than 60 political parties from countries of the global South discuss their confrontation with the modern practices of neocolonialism used by the United States and its allies against nations that resist their hegemonic agenda and domination.

Several of the participants in both forums also condemned the blockade of the United States against Cuba in their speeches.

During these meetings, the Communist Party of Cuba, represented by the Head of the Department of International Relations, Emilio Lozada García; conveyed the importance that Cuba attaches to the BRICS as an alternative for the construction of a more just and inclusive world order; and condemned the application of unilateral coercive measures as tools of political and economic pressure by the United States, including the unjust blockade of Cuba and the inclusion of our country in the spurious List of Countries Sponsoring Terrorism.

BRICS is made up of 10 countries. Its founding members were Brazil, Russia, India and China. Then South Africa joined. In 2023, Iran, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Egypt and Ethiopia joined.

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