Freight trains on the finished section bring up building materials for new stretches of the line.
From the PRC press People's China, December 1953:
"Construction of the Lanzhou–Xinjiang Railway was started in October, 1,952. Completion of this first railway in Xinjiang, China's westernmost province, will be a most important means of improving the livelihood of its many national minorities. Work is now proceeding on the difficult section running across the Wushaoling Mountain range, 3,000 metres above sea level, northwest of Lanzhou."
A remarkable accomplishment, the railway opened in 1966 and is the longest in northwest China. Following the path of the ancient Silk Road, it was Xinjiang's only rail link with the rest of China until the opening of the Lanzhou–Xinjiang high-speed railway in December 2014.

First train out from Yungteng. The Lanzhou-Yungteng section of the RaiI way was opened on October 1, 1953

Starting the construction of a bridge across one of the tributaries of the Yellow River

Construction work goes on day and night.