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Communist Parties of Cuba and China hold their VI Theoretical Seminar

Images via the PCC

By Dayán González Ramírez, translated from the Spanish

Cuba and China are reliable friends and good comrades who overcome difficulties together, and in this context the VI Theoretical Seminar between the Communist Parties of both countries was held in Havana, Wednesday, October 23.

The meeting featured presentations by the member of the Political Bureau, the Secretariat of the Central Committee and head of the Propaganda Department of the Communist Party of China (CPC), Li Shulei and the Member of the Political Bureau and Secretary of Organization of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba (PCC), Roberto Morales Ojeda.

"In recent years, the top leaders of both nations, Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez and Xi Jinping, have met on several occasions, reaching important consensuses for the construction of a shared future," said Li Shulei, who remarked that the Caribbean nation and the Asian giant face important challenges that require in-depth studies and analysis. Hence the importance of this seminar.

The Chinese leader's presentation covered issues such as the Party's need to achieve national economic development in a context characterized by profound transformations in the financial system and an accelerated development of technologies and information technology. For Li Shulei, the promotion of a healthy internet environment is decisive, in which subversive actions and the promotion of violent acts through digital spaces must be resolutely confronted.

Another point made during his presentation was the strategy to confront the Cold War mentality of the United States. For this: "we must be firm in the defense of our right to development and to advance together in equality and social justice," he said, while expressing that "Cuban comrades are not afraid and fight firmly. So China will continue to support Cuba in its endeavor."

Meanwhile, Roberto Morales Ojeda, who considered it a high honor to inaugurate the seminar, which takes place at a time marked by an energy situation in the country and the recovery process after the scourge of Hurricane Oscar, said that meetings like these allow us to address, from a Marxist approach, common challenges.

During his presentation, Morales Ojeda stated that this is an opportunity to consolidate, in a comprehensive way, the ties between the two countries.

He also reflected on the impacts of the unconventional war to which Cuba is being subjected. An assault that is determined to demobilize the revolutionary forces and dismantle culture and traditions. Meanwhile, he noted that the country is advancing with a digital transformation of society, which has had the decisive support of China.

"It is a common responsibility to transform the world into a space of respect and well-being and we are convinced that this seminar will strengthen the unwavering solidarity that unites our peoples," he said.

Two commissions focused their analysis on the role of the Party in the economic development of the respective countries, including attention to non-state sectors of the economy and the work of the Party regarding new generations, which includes the work in respect to social networks. After this the event was closed.

On the Chinese side, Zhang Hongsen, vice president and member of the Secretariat of the Chinese Writers' Association, described the meeting as a moment of mutual learning to achieve the planned goals and stressed the importance of combining Marxism with the traditions of each country to advance in the construction of socialism. Under this concept and with the guidance of Xi Jinping in China, Socialism with Chinese characteristics is being built in the new era.

"Relations between Cuba and China are mutually beneficial and an example of cooperation between a large country and a small country," said Zhang Hongsen, who also recognized how Cubans constantly enrich Marxism with the ideology of Martí, Fidel, Raúl and Díaz-Canel.

For the member of the Central Committee of the PCC and deputy head of its Ideological Department, Marydé Fernández López, the importance of consolidating the exchange of experiences was demonstrated and she was certain that this meeting created the basis for the VII edition to be held next year in Beijing.

The Cuban leader expressed her sincere appreciation to the experts for the depth of the presentations and confirmed the political will to strengthen relations between comrade socialist countries.

This work was translated and shared via a License CC-BY-NC


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