The Communists, painting, Lec Shkreli, People's Republic of Albania 1971 -- Daily LIFT #1499
The painting shows the mass arrest of Communist by the crypto-fascist regime of the self-proclaimed ‘King’ Zog just before the invasion of the Albania by the Italians in April 1939. "Zog" was originally Ahmed Muhtar Zogolli who became prime minister in 1922, president in 1925 and then made himself "king" in 1928.
Despite being a far right dictator and anti-communist, Mussolini's Italy invaded in 1939 and drove Zog out. He dies in France in 1961. Disgracefully the counter-revolutionary regime of Albania in 2012 allowed his remains to be reburied in the country.
In the painting the Communist on the left at the front is Qemal Stafa. Stafa was one of the founding members of the Albanian Communist Party in Tirana in November 1941. He was murdered by the occupying Italian fascist forces in May, 1942.