Emblem of the Tuvan People's Republic (1933-1939)
The Tuvan People's Republic was formed on August 14, 1921. It was one of three successful revolutionary socialist countries at the time, the other two being the USSR and the Mongolian People's Republic.
The Tuvan PR remained an independent nation until 1944 when it asked to join and was accepted into the USSR as an autonomous republic.
The history of the Tuvan PR is very interesting including the fact that Khertek Anchimaa-Toka, head of state of the republic from 1940 until 1944. was the first non-royal female head of state in the history of the world.
Great Soviet Encyclopedia 1979:
The steppe-dwelling Tuvinians, who represent more than 95 percent of all Tuvinians, are descended from ancient Turkic-speaking Central Asian tribes and Mongolian-speaking groups assimilated by them. The taiga-dwelling Todzhinian Tuvinians developed through the assimilation of Samoyed and Ket groups by the Turkic-speaking population.
After the October Revolution of 1917 in Russia and the victory of the national revolution in Tuva in 1921, major transformations took place in the economy, culture, and way of life of the Tuvinians. With the help of the USSR, industrial enterprises were constructed, transportation was developed, and the first state farms and kolkhozes were established. An important step forward in the development of a national culture came in 1930 with the creation of a national writing system based on Latin script; in 1941 a Russian-based alphabet was introduced. After Tuva became part of the USSR in 1944, radical changes took place in the economy, culture, and way of life, primarily as a result of collectivization and the Tuvinians’ adoption of a settled mode of existence. Socialist agriculture, industry, transportation, and culture are developing, and the formation of a Tuvinian socialist nation has been completed.
Khertek Anchimaa-Toka