On January 23, Greek farmers occupied major roads and took to the streets in protest in Greece. They are demanding action in longstanding unresolved issues regarding production costs, climate change impacts, and the lack of governmental support.
The Communist Party of Greece (KKE) reports that the farmers are "escalating their concerted mobilizations as the acute problems they are facing make it increasingly difficult for them to remain in the agro-food production, leading them to even greater poverty."
Further, the "farmers are fighting to defend their incomes, which are being squeezed by the exorbitant production costs, the low prices imposed on their products by the industrialists and the big traders, the cuts provided for in the new CAP and the repeated disasters in their production."
The farmers set up roadblocks in Larissa, Karditsa, Trikala, Magnesia and elsewhere.
The KKE says its MPs are on the side of the farmers and stand against the repressive actions of the government to try to end the protests.