The great, iconic Cuban revolutionary José Martí was born January 28, 1853.
From People's China, October 1953, 100 years after his birth and less than six years from the Cuban Revolution:
"We are celebrating one more honoured "Messenger of Freedom," namely, José Martí of Cuba. Brought up in Cuba under the rule of the Spanish colonialists, José Martí experienced personally what oppression and humiliation means. At the age of sixteen, he was sentenced to penal servitude because of his patriotic revolutionary activities. After repeated imprisonment and exile, José Martí still stood firmly by his dream of the national liberation of tormented Cuba. Through his writings and activities, he mobilised the forces of the revolutionary struggle for national freedom and independence and laid the foundation of the Cuban Revolutionary Party. Finally, he gloriously gave his life for the people in the struggle for liberation which he had organised. Although the cause for which he laid down his life has not been realised, his name is the banner under which the Cuban people rally in their struggle. In the course of his creative activity, José Martí showed his inborn revolutionary fervour. His poems are pervaded with passionate love for his people, fervent joy in participating in life's struggles and an unshakeable confidence in victory. The people can draw from the poet's impassioned lines new confidence and strength to fight for freedom against injustice.
José Martí once said, "The future will be decided by peace." This resounding and militant call finds today an ever more ardent response throughout the world."
On January 1, 1959, "the cause for which he laid down his life" was finally realized!