A joint statement signed by (so far) 19 Communist and workers' parties has been released calling for increased solidarity with Cuba confronted daily by the cruel effects of the imperialist blockade.
Strengthen the struggle against the imperialist blockade of Cuba, increase the solidarity
As a result of the imperialist blockade, of the sanctions imposed by USA, amongst them the inclusion in the list of State Sponsors of Terrorism, the Cuban people face today great difficulties, one of them the instability of the electrical grid, that is causing blackouts in a crucial time, as is the hurricane season in the Caribbean that requires the maximum effort of the civilian protection services.
The blackouts are exploited by the US imperialism, which attempts to provoke the economic strangulation of Cuba, at a great suffering cost for its people. Due to this, in the last years they have intensified the measures and the sanctions to prevent Cuba from obtaining the necessary fuel to generate electricity.
We express our full support for the efforts of the leadership of the Cuban Revolution and of the Cuban people to overcome the difficulties.
The worker’s and communist parties confirm our solidarity with the people, the Cuban Revolution and the Communist Party of Cuba.
We demand the lifting of the criminal imperialist blockade, which clearly seeks to suffocate Cuba.
We demand the withdrawal of Cuba from the spurious List of State Sponsors of Terrorism.
We condemn the sanctions from the USA, the cruel measures both from the Trump and the Biden administration that have aggravated the blockade.
We express our solidarity in face of the damages caused by hurricane “Oscar”.
Cuba is not alone, Cuba will prevail.
Communist Party of Australia
Communist Party of Denmark
Communist Party of El Salvador
Communist Party of Greece
Communist Party of India (Marxist)
Communist Party of Ireland
Kuwaiti Progressive Movement
Communist Party of Mexico
New Communist Party of the Netherlands
Communist Party of Norway
Communist Party of Pakistan
Paraguayan Communist Party
Communist Party of Peru (Patria Roja)
Philippines Communist Party [PKP 1930]
Romanian Socialist Party
Communist Party of the Workers of Spain
Communists of Catalonia
Communist Party of Swaziland
Communist Party of Venezuela