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  • Writer's pictureMichael Laxer

VIII Plenum of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba begins

By René Tamayo León - Photos: Estudios Revolución - translated from the Spanish

The Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba began its VIII Plenary Session on Friday morning (July 5), headed by its First Secretary and President of the Republic, Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, and led by the member of the Political Bureau and Secretary of Organization, Roberto Morales Ojeda.

In its eighth plenary meeting after the 8th Party Congress, which was held in April 2021, the session will analyze the fulfillment of the agreements of the previous plenary session and will receive an accountability report from the Political Bureau.

They will evaluate, among other issues, the state of implementation of the Government's Projections to correct distortions and revive the economy during the first half of the year; and the results achieved in food production and the implementation of the Food Sovereignty and Nutrition Education Law.

The meeting will be held Friday and Saturday. The debates will also include actions aimed at preventing and confronting corruption, crime, illegalities and social indiscipline.

The realization of the VIII Plenum of the Central Committee of the PCC is a guarantee of the continuity of the Revolution and the unity of Cubans around the revolutionary and socialist project and arrives at in the midst of intense work by its top leadership in the tours of and visits to the territories.

It is a system that strengthens the work of the organization and confirms the will to continue addressing the main concerns of our people in a prioritized and personal way.

The Political Bureau, which reports to the Central Committee at the Plenum, has continued to prioritize the correction of distortions and revival of the economy, and in the search for solutions to reverse the current situation in the country.

At the same time, work has been done to comply with the agreements adopted in the previous plenary session, in the midst of the present circumstances, guaranteeing the continuity of the organisation's work and its societal applications.

The agreements that are arrived at at this plenary, in turn, must be the object of special attention, with a view to guaranteeing the necessary improvements in our society, particularly in the correction of distortions and the revival of the economy, and where the participation of militants can be decisive in food production and in programs for national development.

The role of militancy is vital, at the same time, in the promotion of the truth about our country, using all the means at our disposal, especially internet social networks, something that is more important today than ever.

In the current circumstances, the maxim of the leader of the Revolution, Army General Raúl Castro Ruz, is a guide for the work of the Party: "we are going to get out of these difficulties, as we have always done, fighting!"

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